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Phone: 98129-80187

" Steadfast in conscience, Step into unknown, leave some trails to the treasure, call upon all those mislead to pave a path forever - why just to Follow when you can Dare and make a difference! "

Dear Inquisitor,

I take immense pride in becoming a part of the system that recognizes students, teachers, and all staff members like a family rather than just a tool to serve the purpose.

⋅ The culture of motivation, training, constant innovation, discipline, and participation is a living and pulsating core that embodies the soul of this institute.

⋅ We celebrate a unique interplay of student-mentor relationships to extract the personal best of each child.

⋅ Research shows that the happiest and most successful students are those who are motivated with a sense of pride in uniquely doing things rather than merely being competitive.

⋅ We are resolute to care and nurture each child at ‘The AIS’ to help them grow into a person of strong character, skills, and abilities to withstand even extreme challenges in life.

We welcome parents to get in touch with us to feel the difference and hence make a conscious decision of their young one’s future, as earliest we start working on a child to shape better.