Unit | Chapter | Content |
L-1 | Number |
(i) Forming Numbers (ii) Place value & face value (iii) Roman Numerals |
L-2 | Addition |
(i) Order of addends (ii) Estimating the sum (iii) Learning to add horizontally |
L-3 | Subtraction |
(i) Subtraction with regrouping (ii) Subtraction from Zero (iii) Facts |
L-4 | Shapes |
(i) Measuring line segments (ii) Congruent figures (iii) Tangram |
L-5 | Multiplication |
(i) Factors and Products (ii) Multiplying by 0 or 1 and 3 digits (iii) Word problems |
L-6 | Division |
(i) Rules of divion (ii) Diving 3 digit & 4 digit number (ii) Long division |
L-7 | Fractions |
(i) Numerator and Denominator (ii) Types of fractions (iii) Like and Unlike fractions |
L-8 | Measurement |
(i) Conversion of units of length (ii) Measuring of weight (iii) Measuring long distances |
L-9 | Time |
(i) Minutes in hour and hours in day (ii) Writing dates (iii) Using a Calender |
L-10 | Money |
(i) Converting rupee into paise (ii) Multiplication and divison of money (iii) Converting paise into rupee |
L-11 | Patterns |
(i) Symmetrical figures (ii) Completing halves (iii) Completing halves |
L-13 | Pictorial Representation |
(i) Pictographs (ii) Organisation of information |