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Class 3 Computer Syllabus

Unit Chapter Content
L-1 How does a Computer Work ? (i) IPO Cycle
(ii) Examples of IPO
L-2 Hardware and Software (i) Processing Device
(ii) Output Device
(iii) Storage Device
L-3 Introduction to Window 10 (i) Desktop
(ii) Icons
(iii) Screen Saver
L-4 Working with Paint (i) Tools in MS Paint
(ii) Moving an Object
(iii) Flipping / Rotating a Picture
L-5 Fun with Tux Paint (i) Earser Tool
(ii) Components
(iii) Paint Tool
L-6 Introduction to MS word (i) Starting MS word
(ii) Components of Word window
(ii) Use of Commands
L-7 Introduction to Scratch (i) Starting Scratch
(ii) Creating Simple Scripts
(iii) Saving a Project
(iv) Creating simple scripts