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The early years are considered the most crucial years of development. These years lay the foundation for students to turn into confident learners and well-rounded personalities.

The specific objective of pre-school and pre-primary is to provide all necessary care and education to young children for their development through cognitive, linguistic, physical, social and emotional growth.

This objective is met in a nourishing and inspiring environment like ours.

The curriculum equips young children with the requisite numeracy and linguistic skills for entry into the formal learning arena.

Various pedagogical methods are used to bring the curriculum to life in the classrooms and making learning fun for the little ones.

Linguistic Development:

Maximum language development takes place during the initial years of learning.

The key to helping children optimize their language skills is to expose them to interesting things every day, and encourage them to express themselves through the following:

→ Storytelling

→ Dramatization

→ Picture Reading

→ Recitation

→ Public Speaking

Physical Development

Children learn physical motor skills best through their everyday, natural experiences. Gross and fine motor learning opportunities are integrated directly into various play activities.

Gross/ Large Motor Skills:

Development Activities

→ Yogic Exercises

→ Taekwondo

→ Running

→ Jumping

→ Dancing

→ Water fun activities at pool

→ Group Games

→ Music

Fine Motor Skills

Development Activities

→ Clay Modelling

→ Colouring

→ Drawing

→ Painting

→ Colarge Work

→ Cutting

→ Paper Folding

→ Block Building

→ Clubbing Toys

→ Buttoning

→ Stringing the beads

Social and Emotional Development

At this age children develop social and emotional skills that are imperative for interaction inside and outside school.

Sensitivity to social and environmental concerns are inculcated through activities and programs which teach the children the basic etiquette and interpersonal communication skills in an formal scenario. This further leads to the development of finer social graces and fosters emotional intelligence.

A few of the activities that ensure the same are:

→ The self-doing Week

→ The Grandparent’s Day

→ Lear by doing Fair

→ Educational Outings

Aesthetic Development

Children have ample opportunities for aesthetic expression and appreciation through art and music. Children experience and enjoy various forms of music, both with the classroom teacher and with a music specialist. They develop familiarity with the basic elements of music such as melody, rhythm, pitch, tempo, beat and harmony.
A variety of art media such as watercolor, paint, and clay are available for the creative expression of the children. They are exposed to the basic elements of art like line, color and texture. Both music and art are woven into all aspects of the curriculum.

Evaluation and Assessment

No formal tests are held. Grading is done on the basis of a continuous comprehensive assessment.
Teachers continuously assess and monitor student learning on behalf of participation and their engagement in learning.