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Class 3 EVS Syllabus

Unit Chapter Content
L-1 My Family ands Me i) Types of Family
ii) Family Tree
iii) New Relatives
L-2 Catring for Others (i) Growing Old
(ii) Physically Challenged people
L-3 People Around Us (i) Meaning of Occupation
(ii) Social workers
(iii) Ways to help childrens
L-4 Playing is Fun (i) Games as Occupation
(ii) Team games
(iii) Outdoor Games
L-5 Plants (i) Kinds
(ii) Palnts are our friends
(iii)New Plants
L-6 Leaves in our lives (i) Leaf diversity
(ii) Shedding of leaves
L-7 The world of animals (i) Movement in anaimals
(ii) Food of animals
(iii) Animals vary in Size
L-8 Tiny Animals (i) Features of insects
(ii) Harmful insects
(iii) Harmful insects
L-9 Birds (i) Migratory birds
(ii) Features of birds
(iii) Neck movement
L-10 Sources of food (i) Food from plants & animals
(ii) Cultural diversity in food
L-11 Cooking and Eating (i) Reasons for cooking food
(ii) Methods of cooking
(iii) Vessels used for cooking
L-13 Houses - Good and Clean (i) Living together
(ii) Decorating a house
(iii) Types of houses
L-14 Animals in our homes (i) Shelter for animals
(ii) Difference between animals
(iii) Unwanted animals in our house
L-15 Maps and Directions (i) Directions
(ii) Plan
(iii) Sketch
(iii) Map
L-16 Water - A Necessity (i)Ways to get water
(ii) Water Pollution
(iii) Ways to Save water
L-17 Water in our lives (i) Water Cycle
(ii) Rainwater harvesting
(iii) From water bodies to our taps
L-18 Travelling to Places (i) Means of Transport
(ii) History of Transport
(iii) Reasons of Transport
L-19 Means of Transport (i) Mass Communication
(ii) Journey of a letter
(iii) Meaning
L-20 Clothes we wear (i) Making Patterns
(ii) Importance
(iii) Wearing Clothes
L-21 The Potter's Wheel (i) Making a pot
(ii) Pottery in our lives